Operation Kindness

PicklePaw Classic

Sunday, May 4, 2025 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Join us for a charity pickleball tournament benefiting Operation Kindness! Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams.

Couple playing pickleball

Sunday, May 4, 2025
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Chicken N' Pickle - Grapevine

Questions about the PicklePaw Classic Tournament? Email our team at development@operationkindness.org

Frequently Asked Questions

The competitive league is for those that are familiar with pickleball, and would consider themselves to be a stronger player. The social league is for those that have maybe never played, or are newer to the game. There will be an explanation of the rules and how to keep score for all players before the tournament begins. 

You do not need to bring your own equipment (unless you want to!). Just show up, bring a water bottle, and be ready to have some fun!

We will be providing some light refreshments, but feel free to bring an extra protein bar or snack just in case. There will also be food available to purchase.

This will be a mixed doubles tournament. The first 90 minutes of the tournament is round-robin play, and each team is guaranteed at least two games during this time. The last 90 minutes of the tournament will be single elimination. We’ll be playing on 8 indoor courts.

Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams in the form of VISA gift cards.

Please refer to the sponsorship form for more information about what is included at each sponsorship level.